The Official Magazine of

PAVE/X: The Pavement Experience

Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction targets contractors who make a living from paving and pavement maintenance. We provide “how-to” information to help contractors run their businesses more profitably and stay up-to-date on industry trends, technological developments in materials and equipment, and on-the-job techniques that can improve productivity and add to their bottom line.

WHO WE REACH: contractors in the paving, sealcoating, pavement marking, sweeping, crack repair and pavement repair industries, as well as equipment manufacturers, material producers, government officials (federal, state, county, local); dealers/distributors, and HMA producers


By leveraging our audience, advertisers can not only drive brand awareness but incorporate multiple tactics towards a marketing goal. And beyond the website, a diverse assortment of digital products are offered to meet an advertiser’s marketing objectives.


Each of our publication products has a targeted subscriber list based on the applicable brand and/or subject matter that’s curated from the most relevant content from our website, email efforts, newsletters, print publications, etc.

Premium Content

Our premium content covers the latest products, trends and business strategies that help professionals in the industry with their craft to help grow their skills and businesses. All our premium content is housed right on our website free for anyone to download.


(800) 538-5544


201 N Main Street
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538

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